HSEQ Commitment

Our Drive to Zero

As a geographically diversified oil and gas services and chemical manufacturing company, and as a member of the global community, TETRA Technologies, Inc. (TETRA), its subsidiaries and affiliated companies are committed to the safety and health of our employees, and the protection of the environment. In addition, TETRA is committed to improve service quality and operational processes, meet customer requirements, and ensure customer satisfaction. We can achieve this via our high-performance culture while providing best-in-class products and services, based on our “Dedicated to the CØRE” values of Customers, Drive to Zero, Returns and Employees.

This policy is the foundation that supports our HSEQ Management System. It establishes our management philosophy with regard to HSEQ, as well as a shared vision between our customers, contractors, suppliers, and employees. These stakeholders must recognize health, safety, quality, and the protection of the environment as a personal responsibility in the performance of their duties. No aspect of anyone’s job is more important. Our commitment to HSEQ is realized through the following actions:

  • Pursuing our Drive to ZERO with no harm to people, assets, or the environment.
  • Compliance with all TETRA standards, as well as all applicable codes, laws, and regulatory requirements where we operate.
  • Demonstrating visible leadership commitment and accountability to ensure the health and safety of our employees, the protection of the environment, and service and product quality.
  • Providing the necessary training and development to enable our employees to understand and perform the roles and responsibilities involved with their job duties.
  • Eliminating or mitigating our impact on the global environment through product design and control technologies, pollution prevention, energy conservation, waste minimization, recycling, and treatment.
  • Ensuring systems are developed and implemented to identify, assess, monitor, review and control HSEQ impacts related to our business activities; and conducting periodic audits and reviews of HSEQ systems and performance.
  • Establishing and reviewing annual HSEQ objectives and performance measures; and ensuring adequate financial and physical resources are committed to continually improve our operations, working towards a sustainable future.
  • Promoting hazard identification to ensure risks are assessed, eliminated, or adequately controlled at a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
  • Ensuring the HSEQ Management System meets or exceeds local and international standards as well as customer requirements through continual improvement and effective audit processes.
  • Having the authority and obligation to stop any work, job or task where unsafe conditions, practices, at-risk behaviors, or service/product issues are observed, all employees shall exercise their Stop Work Authority without fear of intimidation or retribution.
  • Recognizing that safety, quality, and environmental protection is a condition of employment, all employees and contractors are responsible for their safety, the safety of those around them, and for the protection of the environment.

This HSEQ Policy shall be reviewed as necessary for continued suitability and communicated to all employees, suppliers and contractors. A copy of this HSEQ Policy is available at www.onetetra.com